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There are 27 products
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Tyranids Warriors$62.50Tyranid Warriors are the most adaptable of all the Hive Mind’s bioforms. They are efficient killing machines with the ability to employ a wide variety of bio-weapon symbiotes. On the battlefield th...
Tyranids Hive Tyrant$62.50Commanders of the Tyranid swarm, Hive Tyrants are the enactors of the Hive Mind's will. Massively powerful creatures, every part of their body is perfectly created to maim and kill.The Hive Tyrant ...
Tyranids Carnifex Brood$105.00Carnifexes are living engines of destruction – towering monsters of unyielding armoured chitin and knotted alien muscle. They are one of the toughest and deadliest of all a hive fleet’s warrior cre...
Tyranids Venomthropes$79.00The Venomthrope's whip-like tentacles drip with a multitude of alien poisons. Indeed, so potent are these toxins that it is believed that a Venomthrope's very touch means certain death. This 80-pie...
Tyranids Deathleaper$62.50The Deathleaper is a rare and advanced development of the Lictor strain, perfectly evolved to act as a terror weapon. This apex Lictor possesses an instinctive understanding of how to spread fear t...
Tyranids Hive Guard$80.00Hive Guard are heavily armoured gun-beasts bound to extremely powerful symbiotic bio-weapons. They are created to guard the Tyranid Hive Ships and capillary towers that stand sentinel over prey wor...
Tyranids Ravenor Brook$58.00Raveners were designed for shock assault and swift pursuit. They have incredible senses which allow them to track their prey over massive distances and detect the slightest movement, and a taut mus...
Tyranids Termagants$45.00Termagants are fast, agile and cunning creatures. When a Tyranid Hive Fleet descends upon a prey-world, Termagants scuttle forward on four legs whilst unleashing torrents of fire from the bio-weapo...
Tyranids Genestealers$58.00Genestealers are legendarily ferocious close combat opponents, with lightning fast reflexes and deadly claws, capable of ripping through adamantium. They have their own brood telepathy enabling the...
Tyranids Tyrannofex$65.00The Tyrannofex has the armour and fortitude of a living battle fortress and its weaponry eclipses that of its foes' most powerful battle tanks in both quantity and devastating potential. The Tyrann...
Tyranids Haruspex$84.00The Haruspex is a ferocious beast created to consume biomass at a sickening pace. It can devour an entire platoon of soldiers in a matter of moments, shovelling victim after victim into its jaws wi...
Codex: Tyranids (10th Edition)$60.00The Tyranids are an all-consuming alien swarm from beyond the known galaxy. Driven by the vast and ineffable intellect of the Hive Mind, their tendrils drive into fresh systems with every passing h...
Tyranids Neurogaunts$42.00Neurogaunts scuttle forward in seething masses, driven on by the parasitic neurocytes that cling to their backs. Their primary purpose is to protect the synaptic node-beasts coordinating invasion s...
Tyranids Biovore$52.00Biovores are living artillery pieces, swollen with the clutch of explosive Spore Mines that they nurture within their bodies. Upon anchoring itself to the ground with chitinous spurs, a Biovore und...
Tyranids Barbgaunts$45.00Barbgaunts are little more than living weapons, their bodies and biological cannons slaved to the will of a pulsating ganglio-parasite that piggybacks them into battle. Once there, they unleash vol...
Tyranids Broodlord$45.00When Tyranids invade, the Broodlord leads his followers into battle, often appearing from sewers or hidden vents to cause untold carnage amongst the enemy army. Incredibly dangerous as with all Tyr...
Tyranids Psychophage$60.00A Psychophage stampedes into battle at a frightening speed. They devour any prey organism in their paths, but especially favour those victims with psychic abilities. How they metabolise such esoter...
Tyranids Norn Emissary$118.00Each Norn Emissary is a purpose-bred beast, spawned by its Norn Queen to accomplish a specific and singular objective – be it hunting a strategically gifted commander, abducting a knowledgeable pre...
Tyranids Neurolictor$42.00Neurolictors are nightmarish living weapons of psychological warfare, engineered to implant mind-altering parasites and project a neural disruption field that provokes atavistic terror responses in...
Tyranids Von Ryan's Leapers$52.00Von Ryan’s Leapers are swift, agile Tyranid bioforms, cunning hunters and stealth ambushers that are especially lethal when fighting in dense terrain. Packs of Leapers lie in wait like living mines...
Tyranid Biovore$50.00Biovores are living artillery pieces, swollen with the clutch of explosive Spore Mines that they nurture within their bodies. Upon anchoring itself to the ground with chitinous spurs, a Biovore und...
Tyranids Parasite of Mortrex$42.00Swooping on leathery wings, Parasites of Mortrex use their barbed ovipositors to drive Ripper gestation pods deep into their victims’ bodies. These swiftly-growing creatures soon chew themselves fr...
Tyranids Lictor$52.00Lictors are a sinister adaptation of the Tyranid Warrior bioform, specialising in infiltration, scouting, and assassination. Hidden by their chameleonic skin, these vanguard beasts stalk their prey...
Combat Patrol: Tyranids$168.00The Tyranids invade the galaxy from beyond the intergalactic void, their hive fleets slithering into every system and sector. The Vardenghast Swarm is a clutch of Tyranid organisms that has reaped ...