TCG Bulk Rates

**All Bulk Needs to be Near Mint Condition & English Only**


Common, Uncommon, Rares or Trainers - $ .010 each ($10 per 1000 cards) Basic Energy do not count.
Holo or Reverse Holo - $ .05 each ($50 per 1000 cards) 
Baby Shiny, Amazing Rares,  Radiant Rares, or Trainer Gallery - $ .25 each.
EX, GX, V, VMAX, VSTAR, **TEXTURED** Full Art cards - $ .50 each.

Trade Option

Sealed Booster Box of Scarlet & Violet, Paldea Evolved, or Obsidian Flame (36 Packs) for 7,000 C/UC/R cards

    Magic the Gathering

    Commons and Uncommon foils and nonfoils - $.005 each ($5 per 1000 cards)
    Rare and Mythic - $ .10 each ($100 per 1000 Cards)

      Flesh and Blood

      Commons and Rare foils and nonfoils - $.005 each ($5 per 1000 cards)
      Super rare, Majestics, Cold Foils - $ .20 each ($200 per 1000 cards)

        One Piece

        Common, Uncommon, Rares, Leader - $.005 each ($5 per 1000 cards)
        Super Rare $ .20 each
        Secrete Rare $ .50 each


            Common, Uncommon, Rares - $.005 each ($5 per 1000 cards)
            Common, Uncommon, Rare Holo - $ .05 each ($50 per 1000 cards) 
            Super Rare - $ .25 each
            Legendary - $ .50 each